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October 27, 2015

Why Do Good Employees Leave?


Long-term relationships between employee and employer are increasingly rare. The average employee stays at one job for less than two years on average. Loyalty no longer seems to flow in either direction at many workplaces. Exit interviews show that employee dissatisfaction is more likely to be aimed at a supervisor than the institution. Low employee turnover is key in the Fort Pierce window tinting industry.

What can a 21st century company do to gain and keep employee loyalty? The list is long, and many innovative companies have developed creative programs to make their workplaces more enjoyable places for their employees to spend half of their waking hours.

The most important factors are the hardest to change. Satisfied employees are the ones who have embraced their company’s vision. They have the opportunity to use their talents, and they enjoy a feeling of competence. They receive recognition and appreciation for a job well done. They feel supported rather than thwarted by their direct supervisors. If your company lacks these elements, you will find that employee retention is a constant struggle, and there will be little you can do on the surface to overcome the underlying problems.

However, if your company is healthy at its core, there are small steps you can take to demonstrate a commitment to your employees and foster mutual goodwill. A small investment in generosity can sometimes pay huge dividends in loyalty.

One easy step an employer can take is to upgrade the work space. Workers get used to their work environments and may not even pay much attention to them, but they will notice an upgrade. Tinting your office’s windows is a relatively inexpensive upgrade that will improve inside conditions in several ways. It will reduce glare and make it easier to keep the rooms cool. Window tinting gets rid of the awkward “human zoo” effect that occurs when the interior of a building and its occupants are visible from the outside. Your employees will have a greater sense of pride coming to work in an environment with a classier aesthetic feel.

Solar Solutions Window Tinting is locally owned and operated by Brian Schauder, and we have served the Treasure Coast of Florida for over a decade. Focusing on one thing since 1994 has allowed us to become very good at what we do. We offer vehicle, commercial and residential window tinting in Vero Beach and Sebastian. We offer the highest quality work, paired with integrity and professionalism.

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