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August 2, 2021

Professional Window Tinting Is Worth the Wait!

Professional Window Tinting

Solar Solutions has been in the window tinting industry for over 20 years, so we can safely say that we have seen our fair share of bad window tinting that had to be replaced.  That is why we strongly urge you to take the time to make an appointment with a professional company providing window tinting in Vero Beach!

Is Professional Window Tinting Really Worth the Wait?

It is definitely worth waiting to get your vehicle into a professional window tinting shop.  Have you ever seen window tint that is peeling or bubbling?  That is the result of poor window tinting installation, cheap window tint, or a do-it-yourself kit.  When you have a professional apply your window tint, it will be flawless and look as if your window glass came out of the factory already tinted.

Why Is Solar Solutions So Booked Right Now?

There are a few reasons that Solar Solutions is so booked right now.  First, it’s summer.  When hot weather hits, people realize how toasty their cars and homes get and decide it’s time to do something about it!  Because of this, summer is our busiest time.  Another reason we are so busy is quite simply because we are so good!  Here’s the analogy that owner, Brian Schauder, likes to use:

“Do you want to go to a restaurant where you can walk right in and sit down and be the only one there or would you rather be handed a pager and wait for the restaurant full of people?  There’s a reason one is busy and people have to wait and the other isn’t busy.”

He says he likes to use this analogy for customers who want to call around to get into a window tinting company on the same day.  Not waiting is great.  Nobody likes to wait.  But, in this case, patience is a virtue.  A window tinting company that is NOT busy in the summer is more likely to give your window a tint job that will NOT be flawless!

Lastly, we are so booked because we are a locally-owned, husband/wife team with two employees.  While we would like to hire more help, we are experiencing what all business owners are experiencing right now – a shortage in the labor force!  According to an article on the website, The Conference Board, today’s labor shortages, if left unchecked, could easily develop into one of the worst labor shortages in the last 50 years.

Solar Solutions Is the Best Professional Window Tinting Company for You!

While you may have to wait a bit to get into us to have your windows tinted, we can promise you that with our extensive experience, professionalism, and high-quality products, you will have the best window tinting installation available!  We are located in Vero Beach and proudly serve the Melbourne, Cocoa, and Sebastian areas, as well.  Please give us a call today!  We look forward to serving you!

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