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June 15, 2023

How to Beat the Summer Heat


Florida’s average temperatures in August are in the high 80s and low 90s depending on where you are.  It is pretty difficult to escape the heat and humidity here in August, leaving most of us feeling like we are living in a sauna.  There are things you can do to help beat the heat though.  This article will discuss 4 ways to beat the summer heat.  If you don’t want to feel like you are living in a perpetual sauna, then check out our tips!

Florida is hot and very humid in the summer.  You can expect hot weather in Florida June-September, but July and August are generally the hottest months.  Because of this, it is important to know how to beat the summer heat.  4 ways to beat the summer heat are: 1) getting in the water 2) staying indoors 3) being prepared and 4) window tinting.

When heat and humidity mix it can feel like there is no escaping the oppressive heat.  The air feels so thick that it’s almost like you can touch it or “cut it with a knife” as the old saying goes.  Because overheating is very dangerous and can lead to heatstroke which can actually be fatal, it is important to know how to beat the summer heat to stay comfortable and healthy.  Let’s look at 4 ways to beat the heat!

#1 Getting in the Water

We realize this sounds very basic, but let’s take a deeper look.  Florida has water – a lot of water!  Not all water in Florida is necessarily safe.  Much of the water in Florida contains dangerous creatures like alligators.  Know your surroundings!  A pool is, of course, a safe body of water and can really help on those hot summer days.  If you don’t have a pool, there may be a community pool in your area.  The ocean is another great place to cool off.  However, if you are not a strong swimmer, do not go far from shore.  There are often strong rip currents.  And, of course, the ocean does have jellyfish, sharks, and the like, but it is a big ocean with only a few people.  You will most likely not encounter one of these creatures.  Always swim near a lifeguard.  There are plenty of water parks in Florida too.  While it would be way too expensive to go every day, you can certainly have a fun day with family or friends at one of the various water parks here.  Lastly, don’t forget you have water in your own house.  A cool shower or bath can bring down your core body temperature making you much more comfortable.

#2 Stay indoors

If you don’t enjoy the water or are easily sunburned or overheated, staying indoors as much as possible may be your best option.  The air conditioners in Florida work overtime in summer, for sure.  Because our weather is quite pleasant most of the year, many homes in Florida still do not have central A/C.  If your home doesn’t have central A/C, consider window units for the most used rooms.  Another worthwhile investment is a portable A/C unit.  They can cool down a small space very quickly.  78 degrees is the recommended temperature at which to set your thermostat if you have central air conditioning.  A free way to keep your home cooler is to close blinds and curtains.  Yes, it will make your home darker, but it will help with the temperature.  And remember, you can also get in the water while indoors, combining two ways to beat the heat.

#3  Be prepared

If you are going to be out in the heat, be prepared.  Sunscreen is our #1 recommendation, but that has nothing to do with beating the heat.  It has everything to do with preventing skin cancer.  As for beating the heat, how should you be prepared?  Stay hydrated.  Drink cold drinks.  It is easy to dehydrate in the heat, and the cold drinks will also help keep you cooler.  Also, have a cooling cloth or wet washcloth to place on your neck.  Find shade.  Wear a hat.  Wear light colors.  These simple preparations will help you while out in the heat.

#4 Window Tinting

Having the windows in your home tinted will keep your home more comfortable and help you beat the summer heat.  Solar Solutions residential window tint can reject up to 79% of solar energy.  We even offer clear tints so the appearance of your home will remain unchanged while reaping the benefits of window tinting.  Window tint helps maintain the temperature in your home, so your A/C doesn’t have to work as hard. This, in turn, can save you up to 30% on your energy bill!  Additionally, it protects your home from the sun’s harmful UV rays which cause your furniture and flooring to fade.  Window tinting helps you beat the heat and provides multiple benefits!


Beating the summer heat in Florida can be a challenge, but by getting in the water, staying indoors, being prepared, and having your home’s windows tinted by Solar Solutions of Vero Beach, FL, you can have an enjoyable summer.  Give us a call today.  We offer free estimates, and most average-sized homes (2000 square feet and smaller) can be completed in one day!  Start beating the heat with our residential tinting now!

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